The Lost Continent of Lemuria
Long before the fall of Hyperborea and the foundation of the Atlantean civilization, another continent existed in the southern hemisphere, the island of Lemuria. Corresponding with the Southern Light and the lunar sphere, Lemuria was the primordial homeland of the proto-Mongoloid, Australoid, Negroid, and Capoid races. Contrary to the Hyperboreans that derive from a masculine,…
Lucifer And The White Gods – Miguel Serrano
Julius Evola on the Dark Age
This is an excerpt from one of the best introductory texts on tradition and modern esotericism, “Revolt Against the Modern World” by Julius Evola. The original text is from the ancient Visnu Purana, foretelling the fate of mankind, particularly the men and women of the 20th and 21st century, and beyond. Alongside Guenon’s “The Crisis of the Modern World”…
The Lost Continent of Atlantis
The land of Atlantis, also known as the Hyperborea of the Silver Age (Treta Yuga) was the second terrestrial homeland of the Hyperborean race. After the fall of the original Hyperborea, many of its inhabitants migrated to the southern continents of the world, while some journeyed and established a civilization in Atlantis, corresponding with the west…