The land of Atlantis, also known as the Hyperborea of the Silver Age (Treta Yuga) was the second terrestrial homeland of the Hyperborean race. After the fall of the original Hyperborea, many of its inhabitants migrated to the southern continents of the world, while some journeyed and established a civilization in Atlantis, corresponding with the west and not with the south. Although many traditions describe variations of this mythical homeland, Plato was the first to discuss Atlantis by name in his discourses. Through Plato’s dialogue with Egyptian priests and initiates, the mythical land of Atlantis was known to western civilization. According to Plato, the island of Atlantis comprised of ten kingdoms that were situated in the North Atlantic. Aside from being an idyllic utopia, Atlantis was also described as a powerful military force and maritime power that conquered most of Europe and Africa. It is still unknown if the accounts of Plato were referring to the mass migration after the fall of the original Hyperborea or actual military incursions by the inhabitants of Atlantis, the former seems more probable. However, due to a “natural disaster”, the land of Atlantis was destroyed sometime around the 13th BC sometime after Pharaoh Ramses II’s death, with the vast majority of its inhabitants being killed in the flood and a small minority narrowly escaping that went on to establish new traditional centers across the world. This catastrophic flood ended the cycle of Atlantic mankind.
Jürgen Georg Ferdinand Spanuth describes:
“Atlantis was Hyperborea and the calculations of Plato, the dates he recorded, must be considered according to a lunar calendar, giving the XIII century B.C. for the final destruction, a little after the death of Pharaoh Ramses II. The catastrophe would have happened with the passing of Halley’s Comet, described by the Greeks in the legend of Phaeton, son of the Sun God, Helios. Phaeton asked permission from his father to drive the Chariot of the Sun for a day. When the horses felt the reins were in the hands of a novice, they bolted and fell to earth. So that a Column of Fire devastated the world. The Nile dried up, fertile Libya became a desert, the remaining islands of Hyperborea were drowned. After fire came ice. Thanks to Zeus, who felt pity for the land and managed to divert the runaway chariot, which had destroyed Phaeton with its rays, the planet is saved. Phaeton falls into the North Sea where he is changed into Amber. His sisters, the Heliades, cry for him.This legend has been told, among others, by Ovid.”
So according to Spanuth, Atlantis was actually the original Hyperborea of the Golden Age. I disagree with his hypothesis, since the original Hyperborea existed beyond space and time as a terrestrial but immaterial homeland of the original Hyperboreans. The second Hyperborea was outside the conventional understanding of being, originating within the Golden Age on the physical earth and residing within the dominion of the Demiurge. It would be more appropriate to call Atlantis the lesser, “Third Hyperborea” given the collected mythology and history of this region.
Atlantis was the new terrestrial center modeled after the fallen Polar Regions with an “even climate and a benign sun”. Basileia was the capital of the Atlantis, ruled by a White Queen Mo-Uru (Gaia, the Virgin SHE-HE) whose memory is preserved in many ancient Aryan legends. The White Queen Mo-Uru was a Virgin Goddess who gave birth to a son that was destined to be her husband, symbolizing the Rune Initiation of A-Mor, the Mystery of SHE-HE. This symbolizes the “Magical Wedding” that acts as a purifying initiation and alchemical transformation. Atlantis was ruled by twin-kings (possibly over Lumeria as well), who were the original queen and her son-husband the king of Atlantis. However, before the divine birth there existed only one “androgynous” being of both sexes, a balance of both essences and polarities, the SHE-HE and original man. The Atlantean society was not matriarchal, but corresponded to both masculine and feminine principles in perfect balance. After this virginal birth, both of the Twin Kings traveled to the original Hyperborea that was still not completely destroyed where they received their Aryan Initiation, allowing them to reunite with their ancestral blood memory, preserve the sacred vril, and communicate with the elder Hyperborean Gods that are not of this world.
The Twin Kings ruled over the inhabitants of Atlantis, the direct descendants of Hyperborea. Within Atlantis existed a small mixture of non-Aryan/Hyperborean inhabitants that came from Lumeria, originating from the Southern races that were made into slaves and were destined to reincarnation and karmic law. Similar to the fall of the original terrestrial Hyperborea, the Atlanteans committed the sin of sacred miscegenation and lost the original purity of their Hyperborean blood, “when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them”. Like all great civilizations, Atlantis slowly declined afterwards with its inhabitants becoming “giants” and ushering in the Bronze Age (Dwapara Yuga). The Atlanteans slowly degenerated into injustice, lust for power, and covetousness. A Hellenic myth describes the decadence of the Atlanteans as “men living in primordial times [to which Deucalion, who survived the Flood, belonged] were filled with arrogance and pride; they were guilty of many crimes; they broke oaths and were merciless.” The Hyperborean-Atlanteans were considered as descendants and disciples of the gods, but forfeited this divine gift by surrendering to their carnal natures and continual miscegenation with “the daughters of men”.
Miguel Serrano further explains:
“The Aryan Siddhas would be at the peak of a racial pyramid. The other races, of colour, would not have had access to this Initiation, since they corresponded to the “slaves of Atlantis.” When the continent began to disappear, giving way to the Bronze Age, Dwapara-Yuga, the “slaves” dispersed through new lands, carrying the memory of wisdom unattainable by them in Atlantis, but which they now claimed to possess, distorting it. In the great chaos at the end of a Yuga, they may possibly have taken hold of some of the secrets, which they could never be able to use.”
Due to “Southern influences” and embracing the materialist ideals of the Demiurge, Atlantis fell into decline and was punished by the Hyperborean Gods. Plato writes that Zeus met with the other Hyperborean Gods on the summit of the polar mountain to discuss the fate of the decadent Atlanteans. Atlantis was to be destroyed by a giant wave that would completely submerge the island within a single night for their transgressions of sacred law.
Julius Evola elaborates further about the symbolic fall of Atlantis:
“The original cycle (when it reproduced and perpetuated the much older “polar” function), very often represented a nostalgic reference point for the fallen ones. By virtue of a transposition onto a different plane, the waters that submerged the Atlantic land were called “waters of death,” which the following postdiluvian generations, consisting entirely of mortal beings, must cross through initiation in order to be reintegrated with the divine state of the “dead,” namely, with the lost race. On this basis, the well-known figurations of the “Island of the Dead” could be understood in a similar sense as transformations of the memory of the sunken insular continent, 6 The mystery of paradise and of places of immortality in general was reconnected with the mystery of the West (and in some instances, of the North too), and thus it formed a body of traditional teachings the same way the theme of “Those Who Are Rescued from the Waters” and of “Those Who Do Not Drown In the Waters” shifted from the real, historical sense to a symbolic meaning and appeared in the legends of prophets, heroes, and initiates. Generally speaking, the symbols proper to that primordial race surface again in enigmatic ways until relatively recent times, wherever traditional conquering kings and dynasties made their appearance.”
A few of the Atlantean survivors of the great flood fled to Hollow Earth through the crater of a great volcano where “the dead who do not die” reside. Many others traveled through boats to different regions of the world, most notably Africa and the Middle East where they established the great Sumerian civilizations. Miguel Serrano describes that “the boats of the Flood ran around on the tops of the highest mountains of the earth. One was in the Caucasus, on Mount Ar-Ar-At, with a runic name: The Summit of the Aryans”. Other Atlantean migrations later arrived in modern-day Ireland, Denmark and Northern Germany.
Source: Hyperborealis Aeterna